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Clicking on an icon
will fly you directly to a location or an object or will play a recorded route.
Clicking with the right mouse button will open a popup menu with more options.

Group - A folder containing a collection of objects. Click on the group name or on the plus/minus sign to expand or collapse the group.

layer_icon Layer - A visual representation of a geographic data set like roads, national parks, political boundaries, and rivers using geographic objects as points, lines, and polygons. Click on the layer name or on the plus/minus sign to expand or collapse the layer.

Locked Group - A group whose folder is always in collapse mode and cannot be opened by the TerraExplorer Basic viewer user.

Show/Hide objects - Click on the show/hide icon to display or hide a single object or a group's children in the 3D View.

Route - A recorded route that flies you around the terrain to landmarks and/or points of interest. Click on this icon to start a route and use the play controls or the popup menu to play, stop, pause, fast-forward or fast-rewind while you are moving.

Location - Location of a landmark or point of interest on the terrain. Click on this icon to fly to this location.

Text Label - Description, information or name of a landmark or object in or on the terrain. Click on this icon to fly to the location of the text label.

Static Object - Stationary object placed on the terrain. Click on this icon to fly to this object.

Dynamic Object - A moving object that follows a pre-defined path on the terrain. Click on this icon to fly to this object, and then follow the object on its path.

Hot link Message - Click on this icon to view the message. The message can be in text or html format and can be displayed in one of the TerraExplorer containers or in an HTML browser.

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